Computational Skins
Coelho, M. Computational Skins. Active Matter. MIT Press. 2017.

Crowd-Driven Pattern Formation: Computational Strategies for Large‐Scale Design and Assembly
Coelho, M. and Grossman, T. Crowd-Driven Pattern Formation: Computational Strategies for Large‐Scale Design and Assembly. Architectural Design Journal. Wiley. 2017

Shape-Changing Interfaces
Coelho, M. and Zigelbaum, J. Shape-Changing Interfaces, in the Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing: Volume 15, Issue 2 (2011), Page 161.

Crowdsourced Fabrication
B Lafreniere et. al. Crowdsourced Fabrication. In UIST’16 Proceedings of the 29th Annual Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. (UIST’16). (Tokyo, Japan)

Cornucopia: The Concept of Digital Gastronomy
Zoran, A. and Coelho, M. Cornucopia: The Concept of Digital Gastronomy, in Leonardo: Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology. Volume 44, Number 5, October 2011, pp. 425-431.

Six-Forty by Four-Eighty: an interactive lighting installation
Coelho, M. Six-Forty by Four-Eighty: an interactive lighting installation. In CHI '11 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '11). (Vancouver, Canada).

Six-Forty by Four-Eighty
Coelho, M., Z, J. and Kopin, J. Six-Forty by Four-Eighty: The Post-Industrial Design of Computational Materials, in the 5th Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Conference (TEI ’11). (Madeira, Portugal).

Material Computing
Editor, in collaboration with Dr. Leah Buechley, of Material Computing, a special issue of the Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. Volume 15, Issue 2.

Shutters: A Permeable Surface for Environmental Control and Communication
Coelho, M. and Maes, P. Shutters: A Permeable Surface for Environmental Control and Communication, in the 3rd Tangible and Embedded Interaction Conference (TEI '09). (Cambridge, UK).

Programming Reality: From Transitive Materials to Organic User Interfaces 
Coelho, M., Poupyrev, I., Sadi, S. and Vertegal, R. Programming Reality: From Transitive Materials to Organic User Interfaces, in the Extended Abstracts of Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '09). (Boston, USA).

Surflex: A Programmable Surface for the Design of Tangible Interfaces 
Coelho, M., Ishii, H. and Maes, P. Surflex: A Programmable Surface for the Design of Tangible Interfaces, in the Extended Abstracts of Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '08). (Florence, Italy).

Sprout I/O: A Texturally Rich Interface 
Coelho, M. and Maes, P. Sprout I/O: A Texturally Rich Interface, in the 2nd Tangible and Embedded Interaction Conference (TEI '08). (Bonn, Germany).

Responsive Materials in the Design of Adaptive Objects and Spaces 
Coelho, M. and Maes, P. Responsive Materials in the Design of Adaptive Objects and Spaces, in the Interactive and Adaptive Furniture Workshop. (Aarhus, Denmark).

Playful Interactions in the Design of Everyday Things 
Coelho, M. and Maes, P. Playful Interactions in the Design of Everyday Things, in the International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA '08). (Singapore).

Violent Interfaces: The Jack Bauer Training Kit
 Z, J., Coelho, M. et al. Violent Interfaces: The Jack Bauer Training Kit, in the International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA '08). (Singapore).

Programming the Material World
Coelho, M. Programming the Material World: A Proposition for the Application and Design of Transitive Materials, in the 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp '07). (Innsbruck, Austria).

Pulp-Based Computing: A Framework for Building Computers Out of Paper 
Coelho, M., Hall, L., Berzowska, J. and Maes, P. Pulp-Based Computing: A Framework for Building Computers Out of Paper, in the 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp '07). (Innsbruck, Austria).

Skorpions: Kinetic Electronic Garments
Berzowska, J., Mainstone, D., Bromley, M., Coelho, M. et al. Skorpions: Kinetic Electronic Garments, in the 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp '07). (Innsbruck, Austria).

Transitive Materials: Towards an Integrated Approach to Material Technology 
Coelho, M., Sadi, S., Maes, P., Oxman, N. and Berzowska, J. Transitive Materials: Towards an Integrated Approach to Material Technology, in the 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp '07). (Innsbruck, Austria, 2007).

Programming the Material World 
Coelho, M. and Maes, P. Programming the Material World, in the 9th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM '07). (San Francisco, USA).

SMOKS: The Memory Suits
Berzowska, J. and Coelho, M. SMOKS: The Memory Suits, in the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '06). (Montreal, Canada).

Memory-Rich Clothing 
Berzowska, J. and Coelho, M. Memory-Rich Clothing, in the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '06). (Montreal, Canada).

Kukkia and Vilkas: Kinetic Electronic Garments 
Berzowska, J. and Coelho, M. Kukkia and Vilkas: Kinetic Electronic Garments, in the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC '05). (Osaka, Japan).

DinnerWare: Why Playing With Food Should Be Encouraged 
Coelho, M. DinnerWare: Why Playing With Food Should Be Encouraged, in the 32nd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH '05). (Los Angeles, USA).

A New Approach for the Production of Educational Content 
Daviault, C. and Coelho, M. Forum: A New Approach for the Production of Educational Content, in the 30th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH '03). (San Diego, USA).